Shareholders and % votes at General Meeting

ShareholderShares% of share capital and % votes at General Meeting
Anton Gauffin (through Big Bets OÜ)1 18 773 294 31,30
Raine Group (through RPII HGE LLC)1 7 600 966 12,67
Nationale-Nederlanden FUNDS 2 5 688 696 9,48
Treasury shares (carry no voting rights)3 3 939 305 6,57
Others 23 982 720 39,98
Total59 984 981100

1 including one Preferred Share;

2 According to the Nationale Nederlanden notification dated May 4, 2022 notified in the Current Report 19/2022, percentage of shareholding and voting power as calculated by the Company as of the date of publication of this Quarterly Report.

3 The Company cannot exercise voting rights from its treasury shares according to Delaware law.