Shareholders and % votes at General Meeting

Shareholder Shares % of share capital
and % votes at General Meeting
Anton Gauffin (through Big Bets OÜ)1 18 773 294 31,30
Raine Group (through RPII HGE LLC)1 7 600 966 12,67
Nationale-Nederlanden FUNDS 2 5 688 696 9,48
Treasury shares (carry no voting rights)3 3 939 305 6,57
Others 23 982 720 39,98
Total59 984 981100

(1) includes one Preferred Share
(2) According to the Nationale Nederlanden notification dated May 4, 2022 notified in the Current Report 19/2022, percentage of shareholding and voting power as calculated by the Company as of the date of publication of this Quarterly Report.
(3) The Company cannot exercise voting rights from its treasury shares according to Delaware law.