Company Announcement

Huuuge, INC. announced removal of CAT3 Restrictions

PUBLISHED - 08 Mar, 2022

Huuuge, Inc., a global developer and publisher of free-to-play games, obtained a resolution of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board on removal of trading restrictions applicable to the Company's shares under Category 3 (CAT3) of Regulation S.

• Restrictions on the transferability of the Company’s shares applicable to U.S. persons, resulting from Category 3 of Regulation S will cease to be binding starting from March 4, 2022.
• Effective on March 4, 2022 shares of the Issuer will be classified  in the continuous trading system under the new HUG ticker.
• Removal of restrictions on the transferability of the shares allows investors qualified as U.S. persons to acquire the Company's shares which means there are no more CAT 3 restrictions on trading Huuuge shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

According to Anton Gauffin, founder and CEO of Huuuge:“We are thrilled to announce removal of restrictions, this will allow all investors qualified as U.S. persons, as well as all brokerage houses active on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, to trade our shares. This is fantastic as since our IPO, trading Huuuge stocks had to comply with CAT3 restrictions that made trading more cumbersome and in some instances practically impossible."


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